Welcome to my blog!

Welcome to my blog!


I always wanted to start my own blog but never had the courage to kick it off. Hopefully this year I will be able to do it. I want to share my journey as a developer and SRE, the struggles of remote work and work life balance. My home lab and personal projects and how I come up with all these weird ideas 😅

But most of all I want to give something back. As a self taught developer I own most of my knowledge to the generous sharing of the amazing community out there. Most of my initial development experience came from reading posts and try things out myself. I don’t know how many times I might have given up if I didn’t find that one blog post that helped me out.

For those of you reading this, this is not a promise, just a hope that this year I will be able to start sharing my experiences and knowledge with you.

Until the next one (or better the first one ) 👋